Blood in the Urine | JP Meyer Urology Redcliffe Brisbane

Blood in the urine

Patient Information

Haematuria (blood in the urine)

Haematuria is a common condition and one which must be taken seriously.

Haematuria simply means blood in urine. If you notice blood in the urine it should always be investigated, although in the majority of cases no serious cause will be found.

Haematuria is usually divided into macroscopic (where you can see blood in the urine with your own eyes) and microscopic (where the blood is found only on dipstick or microscopy examination).

Points to consider about haematuria (blood in the urine)

  • Haematuria may not always be a bad thing
  • Haematuria can be detected in the urine during a menstrual period
  • It can occur during a urine infection
  • Sometimes some medicines and foods can colour the urine red
  • It can occur following strenuous exercise

Causes of haematuria include:

  • Kidney cyst, stone, or tumour
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Stone in the ureter
  • Bladder stone
  • Bladder tumour
  • Enlargement of the prostate gland

Investigations for microscopic haematuria

To investigate microscopic haematuria I would suggest:

  • A general physical examination
  • Urine tests
  • Blood tests
  • An ultrasound of the renal tract
  • A flexible cystoscopy (camera examination of the bladder)

In the case of persistent microscopic haematuria (greater than 6 months) I would recommend a CT scan of the renal tract.

Investigations for macroscopic haematuria

To investigate macroscopic haematuria I would suggest:

  • A general physical examination
  • Urine tests
  • Blood tests
  • An ultrasound of the renal tract
  • A flexible cystoscopy (camera examination of the bladder)
  • A CT scan of the renal tract